
Anyone can easily join or host a league without hassle. Create groups with your friends or teammates, allowing members to participate and stay connected, even from a distance.

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How to Create a Group


Click 'Create a group'.

Click 'Create a group'.


Enter a group icon and name, then click 'Next'.

Enter a group icon and name, then click 'Next'.


Enter your profile to join the group and click 'Regist'.

Enter your profile to join the group and click 'Regist'.


Group creation is complete. Share the group name or ID with friends or teammates, so they can join the same group.

Group creation is complete. Share the group name or ID with friends or teammates, so they can join the same group.

How to Host a League


Click 'Host an league'.

Click 'Host an league'.


Enter the league name, description, duration, and other details, then click 'Regist' to start the league.

Enter the league name, description, duration, and other details, then click 'Regist' to start the league.


To join a league, click 'Join'.

To join a league, click 'Join'.


Once you've joined a league, you can register scores anytime using the score sheet button in the bottom-right corner.

Once you've joined a league, you can register scores anytime using the score sheet button in the bottom-right corner.


Enter handicaps and scores.

Enter handicaps and scores.


Scores are automatically calculated, allowing you to view reports and rankings anytime.

Scores are automatically calculated, allowing you to view reports and rankings anytime.